
What is risk free rate? How will you calculate it for Afghanistan?

In theory, the risk-free rate is the minimum return an investor expects for “delaying his consumption”. The investor will not accept any additional risk unless the potential rate of return is greater than the risk-free rate. Usually the government bond rate is used as the Risk free Rate. This raises several questions – which government, …

What is risk free rate? How will you calculate it for Afghanistan? Read More »

What is the difference between ROI vs ROE vs ROCE.

RETURN ON INVESTMENT ROI compares the profits of an investment compared to the cost of the investment to determine gains. RETURN ON CAPITAL EMPLOYED ROCE looks at earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) compared to capital employed to determine how efficiently a firm uses capital to generate earnings. RETURN ON EQUITY Return on equity (ROE) …

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What is the 5 step model of recognizing Revenue as per IND AS 115?

This is one of the most commonly asked questions of all time, and irrespective of domain. It is as important as the “Tell me something about yourself question”. You must use all technical terms prescribed here and answer in the correct order 1. Identify the contract with the customer- • A contract is an agreement …

What is the 5 step model of recognizing Revenue as per IND AS 115? Read More »

Suppose you see goodwill in the balance sheet. What does it mean?

Goodwill arises when a company acquires another entire business. The amount of goodwill is the purchase consideration of the business minus the fair market value of the net assets that can be identified, and the liabilities obtained in the purchase. Goodwill does not mean any of the following – company’s brand name, solid customer base, …

Suppose you see goodwill in the balance sheet. What does it mean? Read More »

What is the difference between ROI vs ROE vs ROCE.

RETURN ON INVESTMENT ROI compares the profits of an investment compared to the cost of the investment to determine gains. RETURN ON CAPITAL EMPLOYED ROCE looks at earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) compared to capital employed to determine how efficiently a firm uses capital to generate earnings. RETURN ON EQUITY Return on equity (ROE)…...

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We are setting up a factory of scooters, the scooters in this factory are sold for ₹1 lakh. A Maintenance Contract for five years is also given for ₹50,000. If the general annual maintenance is paid at the time of purchase of scooters, a sum total of ₹120,000 is charged from the customer. How to recognize revenue?

As per IND AS 115, the transaction price i.e. ₹1,20,000 will be divided in the proportion of relative standalone prices. ₹120,000 will be divided in proportion of 100,000: 50,000 Price of scooter = 80,000 Price of general maintenance = 40,000 REVENUE RECOGNITION CRITERIA SCOOTER – ₹80,000 for the scooter will be recognised immediately on the…...

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What is the 5 step model of recognizing Revenue as per IND AS 115?

This is one of the most commonly asked questions of all time, and irrespective of domain. It is as important as the “Tell me something about yourself question”. You must use all technical terms prescribed here and answer in the correct order 1. Identify the contract with the customer- • A contract is an agreement…...

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Suppose you see goodwill in the balance sheet. What does it mean?

Goodwill arises when a company acquires another entire business. The amount of goodwill is the purchase consideration of the business minus the fair market value of the net assets that can be identified, and the liabilities obtained in the purchase. Goodwill does not mean any of the following – company’s brand name, solid customer base,…...

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Is too much goodwill a bad thing?

It means that the company has acquired other entities for a consideration higher than Fair Market Value of Net Assets. Goodwill does not measure synergy, it measures how much I overpaid. So I will have to go into the specifics to know whether my Goodwill is justified. Goodwill ends up being impaired very frequently so…...

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What are the 4 Cs of the Credit analyst?

The five criteria for credit analysis Character – This refers to a person’s subjective assessment of a company’s ability to repay a debt. The most crucial of the four characteristics. Capacity – This refers to the borrower’s ability to repay the loan with the money he makes from his investments. ` Collateral (or guarantees) –…...

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Distinguish between Budgeting and Forecasting?

● Budgeting – Budgeting creates a baseline to compare actual results to determine how the results vary from the expected performance. It is setting a target. It is more relevant for items that are under your control such as costs ● Forecasting- Forecasting estimates a company’s future outcomes. Financial forecasting allows management teams to anticipate…...

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