Credit Analyst

Also what ratios (liquidity, leverage, etc.) you’ll look into as relationship person and what as credit person while on boarding a new corporate.

As a relationship person, when onboarding a new corporate client, the key ratios I would look into would primarily be liquidity and profitability ratios. Liquidity ratios such as the current ratio and quick ratio would help assess the company’s ability to meet its short-term obligations. These ratios indicate the availability of liquid assets to cover…...

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And also what’s your understanding of the difference between credit and relationship manager.

In the banking industry, the roles of a credit manager and a relationship manager are distinct but interconnected. While both roles involve client engagement and managing client relationships, they focus on different aspects of the banking process. A credit manager primarily deals with the analysis and evaluation of creditworthiness and risk associated with lending activities…....

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What is important yardstick in assessment of Term Loan?

One important yardstick in the assessment of a term loan is the Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR). DSCR is a financial metric used by lenders to evaluate a borrower’s ability to generate sufficient cash flow to meet their debt obligations. It provides an indication of the borrower’s capacity to repay the loan. DSCR is calculated…...

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What are IRAC norms?

IRAC (Income Recognition, Asset Classification, and Provisioning) norms are guidelines issued by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to ensure prudent and transparent recognition of income, classification of assets, and provisioning for potential loan losses by banks and financial institutions. These norms play a crucial role in maintaining the stability and integrity of the banking…...

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What ratios you will look for when giving credit?

When assessing the creditworthiness of a company, several key ratios are commonly considered to evaluate its financial health and ability to repay its obligations. Here are some important ratios to consider when giving credit: 1. Current Ratio: This ratio indicates a company’s ability to cover its short-term obligations with its short-term assets. A higher current…...

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MD of HDFC bank.

Mr. Sashidhar Jagdishan is the Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer of the Bank. He succeeds Mr Aditya Puri, the iconic Managing Director who led the bank since inception and retired on October 26, 2020. Sashi as he’s known to his friends and colleagues, joined HDFC Bank in 1996 and has played a critical role…...

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MD of ICICI bank.

Mr. Sandeep Bakhshi is the Managing Director and CEO of ICICI Bank since October 15, 2018. Prior to his appointment as MD & CEO, he was a Wholetime Director and the Chief Operating Officer (COO) of the Bank. Mr. Bakhshi has been with the ICICI Group since 1986 and has handled various assignments across the…...

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Which is the largest bank in India In terms of business (asked initially into the interview) and also 2nd largest.

HDFC is India’s largest private sector bank in terms of assets and market capitalization. It employs around 120,000 staff and operates a distribution network of 5,416 branches and 13,640 ATMs across 2,803 cities. ICICI Bank is India’s second-largest bank with total assets of about Rs 112,024 crore and a network of about 450 branches and…...

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Adani is with ICICI how will you bring them with us (HDFC)?

Bringing a company like Adani to partner with HDFC would require a strategic and proactive approach. While I don’t have direct control over such decisions, I can provide a hypothetical strategy that could be considered in an interview scenario: Understanding Adani’s Needs: Thoroughly research Adani’s business operations, financial position, and strategic goals. Identify areas where…...

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MD of Axis bank.

Amitabh Chaudhry is the Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer (MD & CEO) of Axis Bank Limited. Amitabh Chaudhry, is an Engineer from Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani and has done his Post Graduate in Business Management from IIM, Ahmedabad. He joined the Bank as its MD & CEO on 1st January 2019,…...

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How RTGS is different from NEFT?

RTGS (Real Time Gross Settlement) and NEFT (National Electronic Funds Transfer) are both electronic payment systems used in India, but they differ in terms of transaction processing, settlement timings, and transaction limits. Here are the key differences between RTGS and NEFT: Transaction Processing: RTGS enables real-time and immediate transfer of funds on a gross basis,…...

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Difference between broad money and narrow money?

The term “narrow money” typically covers the most liquid forms of money, i.e. currency (banknotes and coins) as well as bank-account balances that can immediately be converted into currency or used for cashless payments (overnight deposits, checking accounts, etc). Broad Money is M3 M0 is the sum of Currency in Circulation, Bankers’ Deposits with RBI,…...

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What SLR, CRR, REPO, Reverse Repo and rates?

CRR is a reserve maintained by banks with the RBI. It is a percentage of the banks’ deposits maintained in cash form. SLR is an obligatory reserve that commercial banks must maintain themselves. It is a percentage of commercial banks’ net demand and time liabilities, maintained as approved securities. These are defined liquid securities. Repurchase…...

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How is a firm valued?

Financial analysts can evaluate a corporation in a variety of ways. The discounted cash flow (DCF) approach and the relative valuation method are the two most popular methods of valuation. In the first approach, we must first determine the free cash flow before determining the present value of a company. In the second approach, we…...

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What is securitization?

Securitization is the process of taking an illiquid asset, or group of assets, and through financial engineering, transforming it (or them) into a security. Securitization is the financial practice of pooling various types of contractual debt such as residential mortgages, commercial mortgages, auto loans or credit card debt obligations (or other non-debt assets which generate…...

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What is loan syndication?

Loan syndication is the process of involving several different lenders in providing various portions of a loan. Loan syndication most often occurs in situations where a borrower requires a large sum of capital that may be too much for a single lender to provide or outside the scope of a lender’s risk exposure levels. Thus,…...

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What is book value?

The book value of a company is the net difference between that company’s total assets and total liabilities, where book value reflects the total value of a company’s assets that shareholders of that company would receive if the company were to be liquidated. An asset’s book value is equivalent to its carrying value on the…...

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Tell me some Liquidity and Coverage ratios?

Liquidity – Current ratio; Quick Ratio; Cash Ratios Liquidity Ratios A company with adequate liquidity will have enough cash available to pay its ongoing bills in the short run. Here are some of the most popular liquidity ratios: Current Ratio Current ratio = Current assets / Current liabilities The current ratio measures a company’s ability…...

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Difference between solvency and liquidity?

Solvency is defined as the firm’s potential to carry on business activities in the foreseeable future, to expand and grow. It is the measure of the company’s capability to fulfil its long-term financial obligations when they fall due for payment. A solvent company is one that owns more than it owes; in other words, it…...

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What is the difference between commercial and investment banking?

Commercial bank: accepts deposits from customers (retail depositors, commercial depositors etc. and makes consumer and commercial loans using these deposits. It may also offer anciliary services like credit cards Investment bank: acts as an intermediary between companies and investors. Does not accept deposits, but rather sells investments, advises on M&A, etc. Loans and debt/equity issues…...

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What is the importance of CIBIL & why it is checked?

CIBIL is also known as the Credit Information Bureau of India Limited. It plays a crucial role in the Indian financial setup. The organisation gathers information and calculates a CIBIL credit score for credit applicants. This score denotes the individual’s creditworthiness and ability to repay the loan. A person with a good CIBIL score is…...

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What ratios you will look for when giving credit?

Financial Institutions assign a credit score to borrowers after performing due deligence which includes ratio analysis. these are known as lending ratios. Ratios help to define whether borrower will be able to fulfill financial obligations or not. Some of the ratios to look at are: 1) Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR) (ideal 1.5 but not…...

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Which credit ratios would you consider when evaluating a borrower’s financial situation?

Leverage ratios link a company’s debt holdings to a particular cash flow indicator, most frequently EBITDA. The financing climate and the industry will have a significant impact on the leverage ratio parameters; nonetheless, the total leverage ratio in an LBO range from 4.0x to 6.0x, with the senior debt ratio normally being around 3.0x. Total…...

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What have you learnt from Financial Statement Analysis?

FSA is an extremely important tool for enabling the management to: ▪ Evaluate business performance on all the key parameters such as profitability, solvency, efficiency, and wealth building. ▪ Determine areas of concern; and ▪ Take corrective action. Favorite… To get access, please buy CA Interview Question Bank...

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What is working capital? How will you calculate it?

Working capital is the excess of current assets over current liabilities. In other words, it is the money invested in those assets of a business which are intended to be converted into cash in the ordinary course of business. In calculating the working capital, we add up all the current assets such as inventory, receivables,…...

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What is Distressed Securities?

A financial instrument in a company that is near or is currently going through bankruptcy. This usually results from a company’s inability to meet its financial obligations. As a result, these financial instruments have suffered a substantial reduction in value. Distressed securities can include common and preferred shares, bank debt, trade claims (goods owed) and…...

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What kinds of credit facilities are available to businesses?

Two categories of credit facilities exist: Quick loans, primarily for working capital requirements. Overdraft, letter of credit, factoring, export credit, and other short-term loans are only a few examples. Loans with a long duration are necessary for purchase or capex. It covers bridge loans, mezzanine loans, bank loans, notes, and securitization. Favorite… To get access,...

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Are banks targeting a specific debt-to-capital ratio?

There is no fair debt-capital ratio because it might vary from business to business. For new businesses, the debt would be little or non-existent. Therefore, the debt-to-capital ratio for start-ups would be in the range of 0 to 10%. But when it comes to small enterprises, the debt-to-capital ratio is a little higher, hovering between…...

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How do credit rating companies helps in credit analysis?

By examining the outstanding debts of a company, credit agencies assist the market evaluate the creditworthiness of that company. However, it wouldn’t be wise to put all your faith on credit rating companies’ ratings. To determine whether to issue a loan to a company, we must consider both its risk profile and the ratings from…...

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How would you decide whether to lend to a business?

There are numerous things I would consider. First, examine the company’s financial performance over the last five years by looking at all four financial statements. Then consider the overall assets, and see what resources are available for use as collateral. Additionally, learn how the company has been using its resources. Next, determine whether the cash…...

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What does “interest coverage ratio” mean?

One of the most significant interview questions for credit analysts is this one. A business must pay interest when it takes on debt. The interest coverage ratio demonstrates to the business their ability to handle their interest costs. Interest Coverage Ratio = [EBIT / Interest Expense] The greater the ratio better would be the company’s…...

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What Is Underwriting? Explaining the Underwriting Process

Though it might sound complicated, underwriting simply means that your lender verifies your income, assets, debt, and property details to issue final approval for your loan. Underwriting happens behind the scenes, but that doesn’t mean you won’t be involved. Your lender might ask for additional documents and answers, such as where bank deposits came from,…...

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What are the important responsibilities of a Credit Analyst?

Your answer to this question, tells the interviewer, if you are aware of the responsibilities you’ll need to perform in this role, your capability, readiness, and commitment. Make sure that you have read the job description well and are prepared to answer the questions. Some of the things that you can talk about are: ▪…...

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How is a Credit Analyst different from a Loan Officer?

These two are very commonly confused positions. The two may look similar but they are very different. While a loan officer helps the customers through the process of procuring the loan like explaining them various options, assisting with various documents etc., a Credit Analyst studies their case and decides if they can be granted the…...

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Explain Credit Risk ?

Credit risk is defined as the possibility of losses associated with diminution in the credit quality of borrowers or counterparties. In a bank’s portfolio, losses stem from outright default due to inability or unwillingness of a customer or counterparty to meet commitments in relation to lending, trading, settlement and other financial transactions. Alternatively, losses result…...

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The Asset – Liability Committee (ALCO) consisting of the bank’s senior management including CEO should be responsible for ensuring adherence to the limits set by the Board as well as for deciding the business strategy of the bank (on the assets and liabilities sides) in line with the bank’s budget and decided risk management objectives…....

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As per the RBI Guidelines on Asset Liability Management (ALM) System, the ALM process rests on following three pillars: (i) ALM Information Systems • Management Information Systems • Information availability, accuracy, adequacy and expediency. (ii) ALM Organisation • Structure and responsibilities • Level of top management involvement (iii) ALM Process • Risk parameters • Risk…...

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Asset Liability Management (ALM) defines management of all assets and liabilities (both off and on balance sheet items) of a bank. It requires assessment of various types of risks and altering the asset liability portfolio to manage risks. Asset Liability Management provides a comprehensive and dynamic framework for measuring, monitoring and managing liquidity, interest rate,…...

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What credit measures do banks often look at? / What typical credit analysis ratios are there?

The most popular credit indicators are – For long term debt: Leverage ratios: Debt / Equity, Debt / Total Capital, Debt / EBITDA, Coverage ratios: Interest Coverage (very important), fixed charge coverage, Debt Service Coverage Ratio (also called DSCR – very important) Others: Loan to Value Ratio Debt to equity, Debt to Total Assets, Debt…...

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What are the 4 Cs of the Credit analyst?

The five criteria for credit analysis Character – This refers to a person’s subjective assessment of a company’s ability to repay a debt. The most crucial of the four characteristics. Capacity – This refers to the borrower’s ability to repay the loan with the money he makes from his investments. ` Collateral (or guarantees) –…...

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