Financial Due Diligence

How will you recognise revenue in case sale is made on FOB basis and in case of CIF basis? Explain.

A. The recognition of revenue in case of FOB (Free on Board) and CIF (Cost, Insurance and Freight) basis is determined by the point at which the ownership of the goods is transferred to the buyer. In case of FOB (Free on Board) basis, the ownership of the goods is transferred to the buyer once…...

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What is Operating/Financial Leverage?

A. Operating leverage and financial leverage are two types of leverage that refer to how a company uses debt to amplify the returns on its operations or investments. Operating leverage is the extent to which a company’s operations are financed with fixed costs, such as salaries and rent, as opposed to variable costs, such as…...

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All Financial Ratios and profitability ratios.

A. Financial ratios are used to evaluate a company’s financial performance and health by comparing different financial metrics. There are many different financial ratios that can be used, but some of the most common ratios include: Liquidity Ratios: 1. Current Ratio: Current Assets/Current Liabilities 2. Quick Ratio or Acid Test Ratio: (Current Assets – Inventory)/Current…...

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What is negative working capital?

A. Working capital is a measure of a company’s short-term liquidity and is calculated as the difference between a company’s current assets and its current liabilities. Negative working capital occurs when a company’s current liabilities exceed its current assets. This means that a company’s short-term obligations are greater than its short-term resources. When a company…...

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How to calculate free cash flows?

A. Free cash flow (FCF) is a measure of a company’s cash flow that is available for distribution after accounting for capital expenditures. It is the cash that a company generates after accounting for the funds necessary for maintaining and growing its business operations. The formula for calculating free cash flow is: Free Cash Flow…...

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What is the most important thing you would look for in annual report while performing due diligence?

A. The most important thing to look for in an annual report while performing financial due diligence is the financial statements, including the income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement. These statements provide a detailed picture of the company’s financial performance over the past year and can be used to analyze trends and key…...

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What is Deferred Revenue? What is its importance in Due diligence.

A. Deferred revenue is a liability that represents revenue that a company has received but has not yet earned. It is revenue that a company has received in advance for goods or services that will be provided in the future. There is no accounting for deferred revenue. If the customer has already paid it will…...

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How will you find Enterprise Value?

A. The enterprise value (EV) of a company is a measure of the total value of a company. It is calculated by adding the market capitalization of the company, the outstanding debt, and any preferred stock, and then subtracting any cash and cash equivalents. The formula for calculating enterprise value is: EV = (Market Capitalization)…...

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What do you mean by EBITDA?

A. EBITDA stands for Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization. It is a measure of a company’s financial performance that excludes certain non-cash expenses, such as interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization. EBITDA is calculated by taking a company’s net income and adding back interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization expenses. This results in a measure…...

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What do you understand by Confidential Information Memorandum?

A. A Confidential Information Memorandum (CIM) is a document that is typically used in the process of selling or raising capital for a business. It is a document that provides detailed information about a business, including its operations, financial performance, and future prospects, to potential buyers or investors. The CIM is usually prepared by the…...

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What do you think is the most important aspect of due diligence?

A. The most important aspect of financial due diligence is to thoroughly review and understand the target company’s financial statements, financial performance, and financial position. This includes reviewing historical financial statements, such as income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements, as well as understanding the trends and key drivers of the company’s financial performance…....

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While performing Due diligence, what all information would you request?

A. When performing financial due diligence, the information requested will vary depending on the specific circumstances of the transaction, the nature of the business, and the specific areas of concern. However, some of the most common financial information that is requested during due diligence includes: 1. Financial statements: This includes balance sheets, income statements, cash…...

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Define Target working Capital.

A. Target working capital refers to the optimal level of a company’s current assets and liabilities that is required to support its ongoing operations and growth. It is the ideal balance of a company’s short-term assets and liabilities that is needed to meet its operational and financial needs. Target working capital is typically determined by…...

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What do you understand by QOA (Quality of asset)?

Quality of assets (QOA) refers to the condition, value, and overall performance of a company’s assets. It is a measure of the underlying economic value and performance of a company’s assets, and it is used to assess the quality of a company’s assets and its ability to generate future cash flows. One common formula is…...

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What do you understand by QOE (Quality of earnings)?

Quality of Earnings (QOE) refers to the sustainability, predictability, and stability of a company’s earnings. It is a measure of the underlying economic performance of a company, and it is used to assess the quality of a company’s earnings and its ability to generate future cash flows. The formula is Net Cash from Operating Activities/Net…...

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What is the most important deliverable for FDD?

The most important deliverable for Financial Due Diligence (FDD) is a comprehensive report that summarizes the findings and conclusions of the FDD process. This report should provide a detailed analysis of the company’s financial and operational performance, including an assessment of the company’s financial stability, potential risks and opportunities, and future prospects. The report should…...

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Why there is a need for conducting Financial due diligence?

Financial Due Diligence (FDD) is a process of evaluating the financial and operational aspects of a company or a business before making an investment or a business decision. FDD provides a detailed analysis of the company’s financial performance, financial position, and future prospects. It helps to identify potential risks, opportunities and to assess the company’s…...

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What do you understand by FDD?

Financial Due Diligence (FDD) is an examination and analysis of a company’s financial information to assess its overall financial health and performance. The purpose of FDD is to gain a comprehensive understanding of a company’s financial situation and to identify any potential risks or concerns. FDD typically involves the review of historical financial statements, including…...

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How does the treatment of financing fees differ from transaction fees in an LBO model?

Financial Fees → Financing fees are related to raising debt or the issuance of equity and can be capitalized and amortized over the tenor of the debt (~5-7 years). Transaction Fees → On the other hand, transaction fees refer to the M&A advisory fees paid to investment banks or business brokers, as well as the…...

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What qualities make a company the perfect candidate for an LBO?

A candidate for an LBO should possess the majority (or all) of the following qualities: A mature industry with a defendable market position, a business model with recurring revenue, a strong, committed management team, and a variety of revenue streams with little cyclicality; and steady, predictable cash flow generation Low Capex Needs & Working Capital…...

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What are the main LBO return-generating levers?

1) Deleveraging – As more loan principal is paid down with the help of the cash flows produced by the acquired company, the value of the equity held by the private equity firm increases over time. 2) EBITDA Growth Increasing EBITDA can be done through introducing new growth strategies to boost revenue, cost-cutting initiatives to…...

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What is the basic intuition underlying the usage of debt in an LBO?

Ans. A high percentage of borrowed money is typically used to finance an LBO, and the private equity sponsor contributes just a modest amount of equity to the deal. The sponsor will be able to earn more money when selling the investment because the debt’s principal will be reduced throughout the course of the holding…...

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Walk me through the mechanics of building an LBO model for a financial buying.

Step 1 – Entry Valuation – Calculating the implied entry valuation based on the entry multiple and LTM EBITDA of the target firm is the first step in creating an LBO model. Step 2 – Sources and Uses, the proposed transaction structure will then be shown in the “Sources and Uses” section. The “Sources” side…...

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What is horizontal merger and vertical merger?

Horizontal merger is when two companies which belong to the same industry merge – for example the Vodafone and Idea merger. They belong to the same industry i.e. telecommunications. A vertical merger is a merger between two companies that operate at separate stages of the production process for a specific finished product. A vertical merger…...

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What is conglomerate merger?

A conglomerate merger is a merger between firms that are involved in totally unrelated business activities. There are two types of conglomerate mergers: pure and mixed. Pure conglomerate mergers involve firms with nothing in common, while mixed conglomerate mergers involve firms that are looking for product extensions or market extensions. Favorite… To get access, please...

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Distinguish between merger and acquisition?

A merger occurs when two separate entities combine forces to create a new, joint organization. An acquisition refers to the takeover of one entity by another. A new company does not emerge from an acquisition; rather, the smaller company is often consumed and ceases to exist, and its assets become part of the larger company…....

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Benefits and drawbacks of merger

Advantages of mergers ▪ Economies of scale – bigger firms more efficient ▪ More profit enables more research and development. ▪ Struggling firms can benefit from new management. Disadvantages of mergers ▪ Increased market share can lead to monopoly power and higher prices for consumers ▪ A larger firm may experience diseconomies of scale –…...

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