
What is blocked ITC?

Section 17(5) of the Central Goods and Services Tax (CGST) Act, 2017 outlines the scenarios under which Input Tax Credit (ITC) is blocked and not available to a taxpayer. This provision restricts the claim of ITC on certain inputs, goods, and services. The exhaustive list of cases where ITC is blocked under Section 17(5) includes:…...

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Why is IBC brought in?

The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC) was introduced in India to address the pressing need for a comprehensive and efficient framework for dealing with insolvency and bankruptcy matters. It aimed to streamline and expedite the resolution process of distressed companies and individuals, promote a culture of entrepreneurship, enhance credit availability, and protect the interests of…...

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Explain interest under 234C

Section 234C of the Income Tax Act imposes interest on taxpayers who fail to pay their taxes on time during the fiscal year. The interest is calculated on the amount of tax that should have been paid as advance tax. The following are the key points related to interest under Section 234C: Interest under Section…...

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Provisions of Sec 80M

The purpose of Section 80M is to provide relief from double taxation of dividends, which can occur when profits are taxed both at the company level (dividend-paying company) and at the shareholder level (dividend-receiving company). Under the provisions of Section 80M, when a domestic company receives dividends from another domestic company in which it holds…...

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Explain Vodafone case.

CASE NAME: VODAFONE INTERNATIONAL HOLDING V/S UNION OF INDIA The “Vodafone case” refers to a landmark legal and tax dispute involving Vodafone Group Plc, a multinational telecommunications company, and the Indian government. The case centered around the acquisition of Hutchison Essar, an Indian telecom company, by Vodafone in 2007. The dispute revolved around the interpretation…...

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Tell me about a particular concept or section of Income Tax which you appreciate.

Certainly! One interesting and important concept in the realm of income tax is the provision of “Clubbing of Income,” often found in various sections of income tax laws across different countries. It aims to prevent the transfer of income from one individual to another, typically between family members, to reduce overall tax liability. This concept…...

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What are controls? How are they different from Procedures?

Controls are mechanisms put in place within an organization to ensure that business processes, activities, and transactions operate effectively, efficiently, and in line with desired objectives. They encompass a range of policies, procedures, practices, and technologies aimed at preventing errors, reducing risks, and ensuring compliance. Procedures, on the other hand, are specific step-by-step instructions or…...

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What is Internal Audit?

Internal Audit, as defined by the Companies Act 2013 (Section 138), is an independent and objective assurance activity designed to add value and improve an organization’s operations. It helps accomplish organizational objectives by evaluating and improving the effectiveness of risk management, control, and governance processes. Internal auditors provide insights, recommendations, and assurance to management and…...

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MD of HDFC bank.

Mr. Sashidhar Jagdishan is the Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer of the Bank. He succeeds Mr Aditya Puri, the iconic Managing Director who led the bank since inception and retired on October 26, 2020. Sashi as he’s known to his friends and colleagues, joined HDFC Bank in 1996 and has played a critical role…...

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MD of ICICI bank.

Mr. Sandeep Bakhshi is the Managing Director and CEO of ICICI Bank since October 15, 2018. Prior to his appointment as MD & CEO, he was a Wholetime Director and the Chief Operating Officer (COO) of the Bank. Mr. Bakhshi has been with the ICICI Group since 1986 and has handled various assignments across the…...

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Differentiate between Tax planning & Tax evasion?

Tax Evasion: Tax Evasion is an illegal way to minimize tax liability through fraudulent techniques like deliberate under-statement of taxable income or inflating expenses. It is an unlawful attempt to reduce one’s tax burden. Tax Evasion is done with a motive of showing fewer profits in order to avoid tax burden. It involves illegal practices…...

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Component depreciation?

IAS 16 Property, Plant and Equipment is the IFRS accounting standard that deals with fixed assets and depreciation.Component depreciation refers to a method of allocating the cost of an asset over its useful life by separately identifying and depreciating its individual components or parts. Instead of treating the entire asset as a single unit for…...

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Zero rated ITC rules under GST?

The ITC rules for zero-rated supplies are as follows: Claiming ITC: Registered taxpayers making zero-rated supplies can claim a refund of the GST paid on inputs, input services, and capital goods used in the course of making such supplies. The ITC can be claimed through the electronic refund application. Export of goods or services: If…...

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What is diminishing marginal utility?

Diminishing marginal utility is a concept in economics that states that the satisfaction or benefit derived from consuming an additional unit of a good or service decreases as the quantity consumed increases. In simpler terms, it means that the more of something we have or consume, the less satisfaction we get from each additional unit…....

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Discuss about form 3CD?

Form 3CD is a statement of particulars that must be filed with Form 3CA/3B, as appropriate, in compliance with Rule 6G and Section 44AB. In total, there are 41 clauses in Form 3CD (split into Part A and Part B) that contain disclosures on deductions, loans, and TDS (Tax Deducted at Source) paid, among other…...

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Difference between financial controller and financial analyst?

Financial Analyst Financial analysts tend to work with the overall picture. They review financial decisions based on current market trends, stated business objectives, and possible investment options. These professionals’ evaluations help determine whether a project or venture is worthy enough for investment. There are two main types of financial analysis—fundamental analysis and technical analysis. Financial…...

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What do you mean by assertions?

DEFINITION OF ASSERTION: It refers to the representations by management, explicit or otherwise, that are embodied in the financial statements, as used by the auditor to consider the different types of potential misstatements that may occur. In preparing financial statements, Company’s management makes implicit or explicit claims (i.e. assertions) regarding: A. Completeness; B. Existence/ occurrence;…...

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Current ratio

The current ratio is a liquidity ratio that measures whether a firm has enough resources to meet its short-term obligations. It compares a firm’s current assets to its current liabilities, and is expressed as follows:- Current ratio = Current Assets/Current Liabilities Favorite… To get access, please buy CA Interview Question Bank...

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Which is the largest bank in India In terms of business (asked initially into the interview) and also 2nd largest.

HDFC is India’s largest private sector bank in terms of assets and market capitalization. It employs around 120,000 staff and operates a distribution network of 5,416 branches and 13,640 ATMs across 2,803 cities. ICICI Bank is India’s second-largest bank with total assets of about Rs 112,024 crore and a network of about 450 branches and…...

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Adani is with ICICI how will you bring them with us (HDFC)?

Bringing a company like Adani to partner with HDFC would require a strategic and proactive approach. While I don’t have direct control over such decisions, I can provide a hypothetical strategy that could be considered in an interview scenario: Understanding Adani’s Needs: Thoroughly research Adani’s business operations, financial position, and strategic goals. Identify areas where…...

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What is Tangible net worth

Tangible net worth is a financial measure that represents the net worth of a company, excluding intangible assets such as intellectual property, goodwill, and brand value. It focuses on the tangible assets and liabilities of a company, which are the physical assets and liabilities that can be measured and valued. To calculate tangible net worth,…...

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Which kind of company should keep more equity and which type of company should keep more debt?

When the degree of operating leverage is higher than the degree of financial leverage, when the operations are very risky and there are fluctuating cash flows then this type of company should keep more equity. When the degree of financial leverage is higher than the degree of operating leverage, when the operations are less risky…...

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Why is the cost of equity always higher?

The cost of equity is generally higher compared to other sources of funding due to several factors: Higher Risk: Equity represents ownership in a company, which means equity investors bear the highest level of risk. Unlike debt holders who have a fixed claim on the company’s assets and income, equity investors have residual claims and…...

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Suppose we are having a factory and that factory has no proper road connection to that factory, so we approached to the government requesting them to build the road, the answer was negative and they said we can build a road by our own on their land but there is only one condition that the road will be accessible by public so it will be the public road. How to account for this?

In this condition, we have to capitalize it along with the project, we cannot separately classify it, the reason for this is any expenditure that is necessary to bring your asset to the location and condition necessary for the intended use by the management that we should capitalize , and it is directly attributable expenditure…...

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Suppose we are getting 200% deduction under income tax on the purchase of machinery that is purchased by us for 100,000 rupees being useful life for 5 years. How will this affect the treatment of deferred tax assets and liability in year 1 to 5?

In the given scenario, where you are eligible for a 200% deduction under income tax on the purchase of machinery, it will impact the treatment of deferred tax assets and liabilities over the useful life of the machinery (5 years). Deferred tax assets and liabilities arise due to temporary differences between taxable income and accounting…...

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De-recognition of PPE?

PPE should be derecognised (removed from PPE) either on disposal or when no future economic benefits are expected from its use or disposal. A gain or loss on disposal is recognised as the difference between the disposal proceeds and the carrying amount of the asset at the date of disposal. Favorite… To get access, please...

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How to evaluate investment in the concept of capital budgeting?

The most common capital investment evaluation tools are the Payback Period (PP), Return on Investment (ROI), Net Present Value (NPR), and Internal Rate of Return (IRR). Each method can provide insight into investment options, but each also has limitations. If net present value is positive, the project should be accepted. If internal rate of return…...

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What major factors affect the yield on a corporate bond?

The economic factors that influence corporate bond yields are interest rates, inflation, and economic growth. All these factors affect corporate bond yields and exert influence on each other. The pricing of corporate bond yields is a multivariable, dynamic process in which there are always competing pressures. For example, economic growth is bullish for corporations as…...

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What is typically higher – the cost of debt or the cost of equity?

The cost of equity is typically higher than the cost of debt, primarily due to the difference in the inherent risks associated with each source of financing. Cost of Debt: When a company raises funds through debt, it involves borrowing money from creditors (lenders) and agreeing to pay interest and principal over a specified period…....

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Can the IRR be negative? Can IRR be positive and NPV be negative?

Negative IRR indicates that the sum total of the post-investment cash flows is less than the initial investment, i.e. the non-discounted cash flows add up to a value which is less than the investment. Yes, both in theory and practice negative IRR exists, and it means that an investment loses money at the rate of…...

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What is minority interest?

Minority Interest also referred to as non-controlling interest (NCI), is the share of ownership in a subsidiary’s equity that is not owned or controlled by the parent corporation. The parent company has a controlling interest of 50 to less than 100 percent in the subsidiary and reports financial results of the subsidiary consolidated with its…...

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What is hedging?

Hedging is a risk management strategy used to minimize or offset potential losses or risks arising from price fluctuations or uncertain events in financial markets. It involves taking an opposing position or entering into a financial contract that is designed to mitigate the impact of adverse movements in the value of an asset, liability, or…...

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How to balance between compliances and growth of the organization?

1.Map out the risks Whatever you do, it is important to properly map the risks inherent in your business so that your employees are aware of the best way that they can handle them. There must be absolutely no doubt in your employees mind what they must not do. Even with the best of intentions…...

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MD of Axis bank.

Amitabh Chaudhry is the Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer (MD & CEO) of Axis Bank Limited. Amitabh Chaudhry, is an Engineer from Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani and has done his Post Graduate in Business Management from IIM, Ahmedabad. He joined the Bank as its MD & CEO on 1st January 2019,…...

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What is the end goal of a given financial restructuring?

The end goal of financial restructuring is to improve the financial health, stability, and sustainability of a company. It involves making strategic changes to the company’s financial structure, operations, and obligations in order to achieve specific objectives. The ultimate goals of financial restructuring can vary depending on the circumstances and challenges faced by the company,…...

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Why would company go bankrupt in the first place?

▪ A company cannot meet its debt obligations / interest payments. ▪ Creditors can accelerate debt payments and force the company into bankruptcy. ▪ An acquisition has gone poorly, or a company has just written down the value of its assets steeply and needs extra capital to stay afloat (see investment banking industry). ▪ There…...

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What is divestiture?

Divestiture refers to the process of selling or disposing of assets, business units, or subsidiaries by a company. It involves the deliberate decision to divest or exit certain operations or investments in order to streamline the business, focus on core activities, reduce costs, or improve financial performance. Divestiture can take various forms, including selling off…...

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What is the difference between accounts payable and accounts receivable?

Accounts payable (AP) and accounts receivable (AR) are two types of financial transactions that businesses engage in. Accounts payable (AP) represents the amount of money a company owes to its suppliers or vendors for the goods or services they have provided. In other words, it is the amount of money that a business owes to…...

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What are accruals?

Accruals refer to expenses or revenues that have been recognized in the accounting records before they have been paid or received, respectively. They are recorded to reflect the economic activity of a business accurately, even if the cash transactions have not yet taken place. There are two types of accruals: Accrued expenses (Accrued liabilities): These…...

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How much dividend should we declare? Is there an alternative?

Dividend should be declared based on future needs of the organisation. If the company has positive NPV projects available do not declare dividend, else do. Alternatives to distribution of dividend: Buy back of shares: This comes out with advantages such as a. When the growth potential is limited they use unused cash to buy back…...

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Provision for section 80JJAA?

Section 80JJAA of the Income Tax Act, 1961 is a provision that allows eligible businesses to claim a deduction for additional employee cost incurred for the purpose of promoting employment. Here are the key details of this provision: Eligible Businesses: Section 80JJAA applies to Indian companies and partnership firms engaged in the manufacturing sector. Deduction…...

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What is cash flow hedge?

A cash flow hedge is a risk management strategy used by businesses to mitigate the potential impact of future cash flow fluctuations. It involves entering into a financial derivative contract, such as a forward contract, futures contract, or swap, to offset the variability in cash flows arising from specific risks. The objective of a cash…...

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Difference between marginal costing, absorption costing and standard costing?

MARGINAL COSTING Marginal costing is generally a decision making, you have to use marginal costing when you want to decide whether you want to fulfil the next order or what my actual profit on the additional order. It is generally not used for accounting purpose but a decision making process. And it includes only variable…...

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Suppose I am not paying any dividend then why is there a cost for cost of equity that is my cost of equity should be zero?

The answer is, if you are not paying any dividend then there is opportunity cost for my investor and that opportunity cost is reflected in CAPM, so even if dividend is not being paid there is always a cost. It is measured using CAPM model which does not depend on whether the company is paying…...

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Suppose you want to set up a factory which involves an investment of 100 crores and we want you to help us to decide whether we should start this factory or not?

To evaluate whether to start the factory or not, a comprehensive financial analysis should be conducted. Here are some key steps to consider: Cost-Benefit Analysis: Assess the potential benefits and costs associated with the factory. Identify the expected revenue streams, market demand for the products, and potential profitability. Consider factors such as production costs, operational…...

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What all items are added in inventory cost?

The following items are added to the cost of inventory: 1.Purchase price of goods 2.Direct labor costs incurred to bring the goods to their present location and condition 3.Direct overhead costs, such as rent, utilities, insurance, and depreciation of plant and equipment used in the production process 4.Freight-in or transportation costs incurred to acquire the…...

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Suppose there are two companies, both are loss-making companies: one company took on debt, while the other company hasn’t taken any debt. Why?

There can be various reasons why one loss-making company may choose to take debt while the other may not. Some possible reasons could be: Risk tolerance: The company that has taken debt may have a higher risk tolerance and may be willing to take on more debt to finance its operations or expansion plans, whereas…...

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What is actuary goodwill, when it arise and what to do in that situation?

Actuarial goodwill arises when the purchase price of an entity exceeds the fair value of its net identifiable assets, and the excess cannot be attributed to any specific asset or liability. This excess represents the value of intangible assets, such as brand recognition, customer relationships, and intellectual property. In such a situation, an actuary can…...

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Discuss section 40A of income tax act?

Expenses or payments not deductible in certain circumstances (1) The provisions of this section shall have effect notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in any other provision of this Act relating to the computation of income under the head” Profits and gains of business or profession”. (2) (a) Where the assesse incurs any expenditure in…...

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Difference between internal audit and icfr?

Internal Audit and Internal Control over Financial Reporting (ICFR) are two distinct concepts under the Companies Act. Let’s explore the differences between them and refer to the relevant sections of the Companies Act. Internal Audit: Internal audit is a process conducted within an organization to assess and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control, and…...

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What are most recent changes in assessment procedure

The Finance Act of 2021 brought about significant changes to the provisions governing the reopening of assessments for previous assessment years. Erstwhile Sections 147 to 151 were substituted with amended Sections 147, 148, 148A, 149, 150, and 151, effective from April 1, 2021. Consequently, any notice for reopening assessments issued after April 1, 2021, is…...

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What all you know about Sec 43A & 43AA

Section 43A and 43AA are provisions under the Income Tax Act that deal with the method of accounting for certain specified transactions. Section 43A relates to the method of accounting for certain specified transactions in respect of which the taxpayer has opted for the mercantile system of accounting. The transactions covered under this section include…...

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Different b/w professional service and technical services

Professional Services vs. Technical Services: Section 194C vs. Section 194J: Section 194C: This section covers payments made for contracts, including sub-contracts, for work such as advertising, broadcasting, carriage of goods, etc. Tax needs to be deducted at source (TDS) at the specified rates when making such payments. Section 194J: This section pertains to fees for…...

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Questions on Set off and Carry Forward in which there is change in ownership

1.What happens to the unabsorbed depreciation of the previous owner when there is a change in ownership? A:When there is a change in ownership of a business, the unabsorbed depreciation of the previous owner can be carried forward and set off against the profits of the new owner. This provision is covered under Section 32(2)…...

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Penalty for misreporting of Income?

Section 270A of the Income Tax Act, 1961 provides for penalty for misreporting of income. The penalty amount is equal to 200% of the amount of tax payable on under-reported income. Under-reported income means the difference between the income assessed by the Assessing Officer and the income returned by the taxpayer. Favorite… To get access,...

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For how many years’ unabsorbed depreciation and business losses be carried forward?

Unabsorbed depreciation can be carried forward for an indefinite period until it is fully absorbed. However, it can only be set off against income from the head “Profits and gains of business or profession.” Business losses can be carried forward for up to 8 assessment years immediately following the assessment year for which the loss…...

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Tell me some Liquidity and Coverage ratios?

Liquidity Ratios: 1.Current Ratio: Current Assets / Current Liabilities 2.Quick Ratio: (Current Assets – Inventory) / Current Liabilities 3.Cash Ratio: Cash and Cash Equivalents / Current Liabilities Coverage Ratios: 4. Debt-to-Equity Ratio: Total Debt / Total Equity 5.Debt-to-Asset Ratio: Total Debt / Total Assets 6.Interest Coverage Ratio: Earnings Before Interest and Taxes (EBIT) / Interest…...

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Why is Market Cap/EBITDA not a good comparable multiple?

Because Market value is attributable to equity holders and EBITDA is attributable to both equity and debt holders. When we calculate any multiple, we should take numerator and denominator for either equity holders only or both equity and debt holders like below ratios: Equity multiples – P/E, P/BV, P/TBV Firm wide multiples: EV/ EBITDA, EV…...

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What is Stock Split?

A stock split is a corporate action in which a company increases the number of its outstanding shares by issuing additional shares to current shareholders, while maintaining the same overall value of the company. For example, in a 2-for-1 stock split, shareholders would receive two shares for every one share they currently own, effectively halving…...

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What is right issue?

A rights issue, also known as a rights offering, is a type of corporate fundraising method in which a company offers its existing shareholders the right to purchase additional shares in proportion to their current shareholding. The new shares are typically offered at a discounted price compared to the market price. The purpose of a…...

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How do we calculate Market Cap and Enterprise value (EV) ?

Enterprise Value, or EV for short, is a measure of a company’s total value, often used as a more comprehensive alternative to equity market capitalization. The market capitalization of a company is simply its share price multiplied by the number of shares a company has outstanding. Enterprise value is calculated as the market capitalization plus…...

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Accumulated Depreciation:

Accumulated depreciation is the total amount of the depreciation expenditure allocated to a particular asset since the asset was used. It is a contra asset account, i.e. a negative asset account that offsets the balance in the asset account with which it is usually linked. The accumulated balance of depreciation increases over time, adding the…...

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Definition, Difference and Journal entry of: i. Provision & Contingent Liability

Provision Provision liability reduces an asset’s value because of a present obligation arising out of a past event The event which can result in a provisional liability may or may not occur. The estimated amount of the provisional liability is not certain Any increase or decrease in provision liability gets recorded in the Profit and…...

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What do you mean by Nature, Timing and Extent of Audit?

In auditing, the “Nature, Timing, and Extent of Audit” refer to critical factors that auditors consider when planning and conducting an audit engagement. These factors are addressed in the Standard on Auditing (SA) 200 – “Overall Objectives of the Independent Auditor and the Conduct of an Audit in Accordance with Standards on Auditing.” Reference: SA…...

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What is sampling? How do you choose samples? Sampling Methods? ‘Audit sampling’ refers to

Sampling is a technique used in various fields, including auditing, to select a representative subset of items from a larger population. It is employed when it is not feasible or practical to examine every single item within the population. Sampling helps draw conclusions about the entire population based on the analysis of the selected sample…....

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Diff between share and bond

Shares and bonds are both financial instruments used to raise capital, but they differ in several ways: 1.Ownership: Shares represent ownership in a company, while bonds represent a loan to a company. 2.Return: Shareholders are entitled to a share of the company’s profits in the form of dividends and capital gains, while bondholders receive a…...

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Prepaid entry.

The entry to record a prepaid expense involves the following steps: 1.Debit the Prepaid Expense account for the amount paid. 2.Credit the Cash or Bank account for the amount paid. When the expense is incurred, the prepaid asset is recognized as an expense in the income statement, and the entry to record this is: 1.Debit…...

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Employee benefits summary

The Indian Accounting Standard (Ind AS) 19 aims to prescribe accounting and disclosure for employee benefits. It requires recognition of the liability by an entity when an employee provides services for employee benefits to be paid in the future, and recognition of expenses when the entity utilises the economic benefit arising from service given by…...

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Consolidation eliminations

As per IFRS 10 in the process of preparing consolidated financial statements, certain transactions and balances between the parent company and its subsidiaries may need to be eliminated. This is done to ensure that the financial statements of the group do not reflect transactions and balances that occur between entities within the group, as this…...

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What is financial risk management?

Financial risk management is the process of identifying, assessing, and managing various types of financial risks that a company may face in its operations. Financial risks can arise from a variety of sources such as market fluctuations, credit risks, liquidity risks, interest rate risks, currency risks, and commodity price risks. Effective financial risk management involves…...

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What is option trading?

Option trading refers to a financial derivative strategy that involves the buying or selling of options contracts. Options are financial instruments that give the holder the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell an underlying asset at a predetermined price (strike price) within a specified period. Option trading allows investors to speculate on…...

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Ind AS 109 Financial Instruments:

Ind AS 109, Financial Instruments, establishes principles for the recognition, measurement, presentation, and disclosure of financial instruments. It applies to various types of financial instruments, including financial assets, financial liabilities, and some contracts to buy or sell non-financial items. The standard introduces a classification and measurement framework for financial assets based on their contractual cash…...

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Ind AS 105 Non-current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations:

Ind AS 105, Non-current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations, provides guidance on the accounting treatment for non-current assets that are classified as held for sale and the presentation of discontinued operations in the financial statements. The standard defines non-current assets held for sale as assets that are available for immediate sale in their…...

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Ind AS 103 Business Combination:

Ind AS 103, Business Combinations, provides guidance on the accounting treatment for the acquisition of businesses or entities. It outlines the principles and requirements for recognizing and measuring the assets, liabilities, and goodwill arising from a business combination. Under Ind AS 103, a business combination occurs when an entity obtains control over one or more…...

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